Year 6 Outdoor Rangers

News 01.10.2024 Whole School



The Year 6 Outdoor Rangers had their first session last week and they were amazing! The children kicked off the session with a brainstorming of what they felt it meant to be an Outdoor Ranger, followed by what they felt they could do to improve the outdoor space and to finish why they thought children should have access to an outdoor space to learn. Mr P was blown away with the ideas the children came up with and can’t wait to get started.

The pupils then learnt the new Outdoor Ranger pledge, “As Outdoor Rangers, we promise to protect nature, care for the wild, and nurture our outdoor spaces for all to explore and learn. Together, we lead by example, creating a greener world for future generations”, while holding a fallen leaf to their hearts.

And as a final stage, the child went into groups and created a OR badge using natural materials. Mr P will be choosing within the next week which we will run with, and the Rangers will then sign this badge to acknowledge their pledge to being an Outdoor Ranger.

Mr Pancutt, KS2 TA and Outdoor Learning Lead


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