
Wellingborough is a diverse and welcoming community, a School which believes that our fees should not present a barrier to children who are in a position to benefit from the opportunities that we offer. We understand the transformative effect of education and hope that as many children as possible will be able to flourish here, regardless of their background.

We can offer eligible parents or guardians financial assistance with tuition fees. Such support is known as a bursary and is aimed towards the Senior School, usually for pupils joining us in Year 7 or Year 12 (Lower Sixth). Bursaries are awarded as a discount of between 10% and 100% of tuition fees, depending upon the financial, compassionate or other pertinent circumstances of the applicants. The parents of approximately sixty Wellingborough School pupils, aged 11 to 18, are currently in receipt of a means-tested bursary.

Requests for our financial support usually fall into one of two categories:

– New applicants to the School whose parents or guardians are unable to fund the tuition
– Existing pupils where a change in parents’ or guardians’ circumstances has resulted in
difficulty in meeting tuition fees and may result in the child being withdrawn part-way
through a stage of education.

The bursary fund is finite and demand usually exceeds available resources. It is important therefore that bursary applications are received in time; completed applications for entry in September must be received by the School by the first day of the preceding Lent (spring) term. Late applications can only be considered where sufficient funds remain.

We will only consider applications from parents or guardians who have already registered their child for entry and paid the registration fee.


The Bursary Fund in numbers

Bursary Applications for academic year 2025/26 are now closed.

What is a bursary?

A bursary is a means-tested financial award designed to assist entry to the School for those who are not able to meet the full cost of the fees. Bursary amounts vary from 10% to 100%. We use a broad range of criteria to enable decisions on levels of award to be made, and these include:

– Financial position of parents. Applications for bursaries will be considered against the financial information provided to ensure that support is targeted appropriately.
– Academic assessment. We want all our pupils to be happy in their studies; the child’s academic ability is used as a way of ensuring that they will flourish here.
– Age of pupil. Bursaries are targeted to support pupils in the Senior School, so we are in a stronger position to commit to seeing a pupil through their education.

Fee assistance can also be combined with other financial awards such as a scholarship. Please note that the sum available for fee assistance is limited. This means that we can only support
families where there is a real need, and not in cases where the family is choosing to prioritise spending on other areas.

What proportion of the fees will my bursary cover?

Bursary amounts vary from 10% to 100% of tuition fees. It is unlikely that a bursary will contribute towards additional costs such as uniform, lunches, trips, etc.

How many bursaries are available each year?

The number of bursaries awarded each year is dictated by available funds. Some families only need a small amount of support, whilst others need much more. We will try to support as many deserving cases as possible, but ultimately it is the funds available for that year, coupled with the levels of demand, that will dictate the numbers awarded.

When and how do I apply for a bursary?

Prospective pupils: Having registered your child for entry and paid the registration fee (if you have not yet completed this part of the process please contact the Admissions Department on
01933 222427 admissions@wellingboroughschool.org.), please contact the PA to the Bursar bursaryapplications@wellingboroughschool.org to indicate you wish to apply for a bursary. You will then receive an email from the bursary system, inviting you to make the application through our secure online portal. Bursary applications must be submitted by the first day of the Lent (spring) term. Your child will need to sit the normal entrance exams and, if successful, we will write to you with the offer of a place and any associated bursary award in February. At this point, you can decide whether or not to accept the place.

Existing pupils: Where the financial circumstances of the parents or guardians have changed, please contact the PA to the Bursar bursaryapplications@wellingboroughschool.org
to indicate you wish to apply for a bursary. You will then receive an email from the bursary system, inviting you to make the application through our secure online portal. Bursary
applications must be submitted by the first day of the Lent (spring) term.


Is the award in place for the whole time of my child at Wellingborough?

All bursary awards are subject to repeat testing of parental means (bursary review) each year and may be varied upwards or downwards depending on parental circumstances. If you are a current bursary holder you will receive an email from the bursary system in December, inviting you to make the application through our secure online portal. Bursary reviews for repeat testing must be submitted by the last Friday in January for the following academic year and we will write to you in February to confirm our decision. Award decisions must be accepted by the first Friday in March.


The bursary application and any subsequent award is confidential to the admissions and bursary staff only; no teaching staff are aware of who is and is not on a bursary. In the same vein, it is a condition of the bursary scheme that recipients are similarly expected to keep awards confidential.

Are there separate terms and conditions associated with accepting a bursary?

Where bursary awards are made, the School is providing financial support beyond its standard terms and conditions; there are therefore additional conditions imposed when a bursary is accepted, which are provided at the time of the offered award. In short, the Headmaster and the Bursar have the discretion to reduce or withdraw an award where a pupil’s progress, attitude or behaviour has been unsatisfactory, but also where the parents/guardians have failed to support the School, for example by the late payment of any contribution they are making to the fees. The School’s decision on the award or withdrawal of a bursary is final.

When making a bursary application, whose details should be given?

Either parent (or legal guardian) may begin the bursary application process by sending their email address to the PA to the Bursar bursaryapplications@wellingboroughschool.org. That parent will then receive an email from the School’s bursary system in December, inviting them to make an application through the secure online portal and provide information about their household. If parents do not live in a single household, the bursary system will send an email to the second parent who will be invited to make their application. Parents who are not in the same household will not be able to view each other’s application. Details should be given in the application of a parent’s partner if they reside in the household.