Entrance & Scholarships

Any external students applying for an 11+ Scholarship must take an Entrance Exam. To be eligible to sit an Entrance Exam you will need to register your child using the link below (this does not apply to current students).

Register Online

Entrance at 16+ (Lower Sixth) is determined by GCSE results and therefore does not require the candidate to sit an Entrance Exam.

Applicants for other Year Groups in the Senior School can attend the Entrance Examinations in January, or alternatively the assessment can be arranged on an ad-hoc basis.

Entrance exams for September 2024 will take place on Thursday 25th & Friday 26th January 2024 at Wellingborough School. Candidates are expected to be here for 08:15 and will be free to leave at 13:15. Applicants must be registered with us well in advance and will be sent further information during January 2024 including which of the above dates to attend on.

To apply to take an Entrance Examination please complete the Online Registration Form via the link above.

Sample Entrance Papers


Exceptional ability is celebrated at Wellingborough, and the highly prized title of Scholar is one way in which talent is recognised. A Scholar is a pupil who contributes to the whole of School life, shows outstanding ability and commitment in a specific discipline, and is dedicated to their own progress whilst supporting the aims of the area in which they excel.

A Scholarship is applied for by the pupil, not the parent, and there is a rigorous selection process including an interview. The title Scholar is accompanied by a small monetary award – up to £100 per year in Years 7 to 11 and up to £200 per year in the Sixth Form, which is accessed by the Scholar writing to the Headmaster during the School year explaining how they would like to spend the money. The expectation is that it will be spent on something relevant to the area in which the pupil is a Scholar.

Scholarship applications for academic year 2024-25 are now closed.




External candidates must be registered with Wellingborough School ahead of the exam. If your child is not currently registered, please do so at the top of this page.

11+ (Year 7)

Any candidate (including internal candidates) that would like to be considered for an Academic Scholarship should complete the application form at the bottom of the page. Following entrance examination results, candidates suitable for consideration for an academic scholarship will be invited for interview with the Headmaster.

16+ (Lower Sixth)

16+ Academic Scholarship may be awarded following examination and interview to candidates who show academic excellence and whose prospects are judged to be outstanding. Candidates must choose one paper from the selection below:

Biology, Chemistry, English Language, English Literature, French, Geography, History, Latin, Mathematics, Physics, Spanish or Religious Studies

In addition, a piece of fully referenced independent research of approximately 1,500 words in an applicant’s chosen academic area, going beyond the current GCSE study, must be submitted. 

An award of a 16+ (Lower Sixth) Sports Scholarship will be subject to GCSE results.

16+ (Lower Sixth) Sample Papers

Biology Chemistry English Language English Literature FrenchGeography History Latin Mathematics (Calculator)Mathematics (Non-Calculator) Physics Spanish

Art & Photography


11+ (Year 7)

Candidates for an Art & Photography Scholarship should present a ‘portfolio’ for inspection. The ‘portfolio’ should contain as broad a range of work as possible – work in 2D and 3D in any media. Very large work can be represented by large, clear photographs. Candidates should present work done at home or in their spare time in addition to schoolwork. Please present this work so that it is clear which is done for school work and which is through interest at home or at an Art club. The portfolio should contain the equivalent of approximately 10 A2 sheets of work, although these can be represented by any size of mount, or as pages in work/sketchbooks if appropriate. We shall look for well developed recording skills, sensitive use of colour, creative use of media, three dimensional understanding where appropriate and some critical/historical awareness and knowledge. We are interested in conceptual development and at least some of the work must have evidence of personal things and ideas. Successful candidates are expected to play a full part in the life of the Art Department, so must demonstrate a genuine enthusiasm and commitment to the visual arts.

Please note: ‘Portfolio’ refers to a collection of work, both two and three dimensional. It does not imply the purchase of an expensive container for the work. Two dimensional work might be presented in a simple paper folder; three dimensional work in cardboard boxes, but these should be labelled clearly with the candidate’s name and address and school name and address.

Any award of an 11+ (Year 7) Art & Photography Scholarship will be subject to passing the Entrance Examination.

16+ (Lower Sixth)

Candidates for an Art & Photography Scholarship should present a ‘portfolio’ for inspection. The ‘portfolio’ should contain as broad a range of work as possible – work in 2D and 3D in any media. Very large work can be represented by large, clear photographs. At 16+ there is no limit to how much work is produced. We shall look for well developed recording skills, sensitive use of colour, creative use of media, three dimensional understanding where appropriate and some critical/historical awareness and knowledge. We are interested in conceptual development and at least some of the work must have evidence of personal things and ideas. Successful candidates are expected to play a full part in the life of the Art Department, so must demonstrate a genuine enthusiasm and commitment to the visual arts.

Please note: ‘Portfolio’ refers to a collection of work, both two and three dimensional. It does not imply the purchase of an expensive container for the work. Two dimensional work might be presented in a simple paper folder; three dimensional work in cardboard boxes, but these should be labelled clearly with the candidate’s name and address and school name and address.

There is an expectation that Art & Photography scholars either produce a requested piece for the school during each year of the Sixth Form or donate their final coursework piece for permanent display within the school. By applying for this scholarship,  you are agreeing to these terms.

An award of a 16+ (Lower Sixth) Art & Photography Scholarship will be subject to GCSE results.


11+ (Year 7) & 16+ (Lower Sixth)

Each student applying will prepare a modern age/contemporary piece of their choice. This should be learned and delivered in no more than a five minute long performance. The student should provide a copy of the piece for the panel. For the second stage of the process, the applicant will be given a short Shakespeare piece with specific directorial notes. The applicant will have 20 minutes to prepare the piece (but not learn) before performing in front of the panel for the second time. There will be an interview with the panel when students should discuss their chosen piece and demonstrate their passion for Drama. Shortlisted candidates will then be invited for interview with the Headmaster. The Scholarship panel will be comprised of Drama staff from Preparatory and Senior School and one independent observer with connections to the discipline.

Any award of an 11+ (Year 7) Drama Scholarship will be subject to passing the Entrance Examination. An award of a 16+ (Lower Sixth) Drama Scholarship will be subject to GCSE results.


11+ (Year 7)

An audition should be prepared for in the same way as one would prepare for a public performance. It is always better to play an easier piece well than it is to give a less successful performance of a harder piece. A candidate’s instrument or voice teacher should be consulted and involved in the process as early as possible. Teachers should also be asked to provide references (see the application form). Candidates are expected to show evidence of excellent musical ability, musical skill and potential for this age range. They are likely to have already achieved their first few instrumental grades and already be making music regularly outside of their individual instrumental lessons. In the audition, candidates should be prepared to perform two contrasting pieces of at around Grade 3 standard on their first instrument. A second instrument may be offered at whatever level has been attained. Candidates will also be given aural and sight-reading tests. Each audition will include a brief interview in which the candidate will be asked about his or her musical enthusiasms and experience.

16+ (Lower Sixth)

An audition should be prepared for in the same way as one would prepare for a public performance. It is always better to play an easier piece well than it is to give a less successful performance of a harder piece. A candidate’s instrument or voice teacher should be consulted and involved in the process as early as possible. Teachers should also be asked to provide references (see the application form). Candidates are expected to have exceptional musical ability and potential. They are likely to be enthusiastic members of choirs and instrumental groups and to be working towards GCSE Music. The School may recognise a candidate’s ability and potential contribution to School music. In the audition, candidates should be prepared to perform two contrasting pieces of at around Grade 8 standard on their first instrument. A second instrument may be offered at whatever level has been attained. Candidates will also be given aural and sight-reading tests. Each audition will also include a brief interview in which the candidate will be asked about his or her musical enthusiasms and experience.

Any award of an 11+ (Year 7) Music Scholarship will be subject to passing the Entrance Examination. An award of a 16+ (Lower Sixth) Sports Scholarship will be subject to GCSE results.


11+ (Year 7) & 16+ (Lower Sixth)

Sports Scholarship Assessments are organised to test a number of different attributes required for the major games of the School. The candidate’s performance in a series of skill-based practical sessions will be observed to gauge competence. This will be developed further with the opportunity to participate in a competitive setting. These sessions are designed to allow candidates the opportunity to demonstrate the best of their abilities in a challenging and rewarding environment. Various components of fitness will be measured and assessed through recognised testing methods.

Requirements of Sport Scholarship Applicants:

  • You should be of County/Regional standard, or equivalent, in a minimum of one, preferably two, of our major games.
  • Consideration may be given to candidates who demonstrate outstanding athletic potential, which can be developed during a pupil’s time at Wellingborough.
  • In exceptional circumstances, we may consider candidates with sporting excellence outside of our major games.

Our Major Games:

Boys: Rugby, Football and Cricket

Girls: Hockey, Netball, Cricket and/or Tennis

Any award of an 11+ (Year 7) Sports Scholarship will be subject to passing the Entrance Examination. An award of a 16+ (Lower Sixth) Sports Scholarship will be subject to GCSE results.