Academic Excellence

Pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9 have the opportunity to study the full range of subjects before making their GCSE option choices in Year 9.




The Year 9 mini-options allow pupils entering Year 9 to exercise more choice in their studies and have more lesson time in their chosen subjects to provide them with a firm basis for GCSE study and allow them to make an informed choice about the subjects they wish to study at GCSE.

All Year 9 pupils will study English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Games, PSHCE and CCF. They will then study five further subjects of their choice from the brochure below, with each subject being studied for 2 periods per week.




Year 9 Mini Options Brochure


All pupils in Years 10 and 11 follow a core curriculum comprising:

  • Biology, Chemistry & Physics
  • English Language & English Literature
  • Mathematics
  • Games

GCSE Options

As well as these core subjects, pupils also choose four options from below:

There is also the opportunity to take a Learning Development option. This is a structured programme of study skills and core subject support for invited pupils who would benefit from concentrating on achieving their potential in a slightly smaller number of GCSEs. 

Learning Development

Additional support is offered to pupils who experience difficulties in any aspect of their learning and to help build their confidence and self-esteem, and through appropriate support, enable them to realise their full potential. Our team work closely with pupils, teacher, parents and external specialists to assess and support pupils both through the learning development option above and one-to-one and small group sessions either within the timetable or before or after school.