Beyond the Classroom
During their time in the Prep School, children experience a range of co-curricular activities which are open to pupils both during and after the school day.
Activities include; Art, Chess, Archery, Lego, Gardening, Cookery, Choir, Jigsaw, Touch-typing, Mindfulness, Reading and many more. One of our most popular activities is the ‘Digital Leaders’ which is an initiative designed to give the children more confidence in the use of digital technology.
Dance is taught by a specialist teacher in the Lower Prep at lunchtimes. Children are offered Modern, Tap and Ballet techniques, leading to opportunities to take examinations later in their dance ‘journey’.
Pupils also have the opportunity to develop their musical abilities through both individual lessons and ensembles. Opportunities include choir groups, string quartets, orchestra, music tech club and many more.
Each year group in the Prep School puts on a highly anticipated annual play where all pupils enjoy an opportunity to sing, act, dance and perform to parents. Class assemblies also give the children an opportunity to develop their ability to speak clearly and confidently in front of different audiences.
View our co-curricular brochure
Trips & Visits
Pupils are also offered the opportunity to go on a variety of outside trips during their education in order to enhance their learning and experience local attractions from a young age.