News 09.06.2021 Whole School

Announcements of Heads and Deputy Heads of School

On the Friday before half-term, Year 12 gathered in the Chapel for the eagerly anticipated announcements of Heads and Deputy Heads of School for 2021-22. The Headmaster spoke of the way in which Year 12 have already stepped up into their role as the most senior students in the School, and looked forward to the positive influence they would be able to have on younger pupils around the campus and in House in the coming year.

The announcements were then made:

Deputy Heads of School: Ella Hilton (far right on photo), Harvey Sharpe (2nd from left) and Maria Warren Thiemann (far left)

Heads of School: Katie Beirne (2nd from right) and Max Fleckney (centre)

Congratulations to them all, and good luck!

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