Geography Department Has Busy Term

News 21.06.2024 Whole School

The Geography Department has been busy this term. Term started with us sending our well-prepared Year 11s and 13s on study leave. Both year groups can breathe a sigh of relief now as they have finished their GCSE and A level exams for Geography. The Year 12s also had two external exams this year and have started the Year 13 content so are in a good position for the next school year.

In the last week the Year 10 geographers have been on two Geography field trips: one to the Peak District and the other to Wellingborough Town Centre. In the Peak District pupils were investigating how and why river discharge changes downstream on the Burbage Brook. The Peak District is a beautiful setting for our physical geography fieldwork and as usual many students got wet either accidentally or on purpose! Despite thundery showers being forecast, we were lucky with the weather and only got caught in the rain as we were ready to head back to the coach.

The Wellingborough town centre trip was also a success. After initial reservations from some about approaching members of the public to answer questionnaires, the pupils collected some good data (including an Environmental Quality Index, pedestrian counts and land use surveys) to help answer our fieldwork question: How Sustainable is Wellingborough’s CBD?

All other year groups have been busy revising for and completing their internal exams. In lesson time, Year 7s and 8s have been doing country studies: Kenya for Year 7 and the USA for year 8. Year 9s are finishing off their Urban Issues unit by looking at sustainability, and Year 12s have started Coasts in physical geography and Global Interdependence for human geography.

As we look ahead, the Geography Department is busy planning some trips for the next academic year, and we are incredibly excited to share that we are in the process of planning an incredible international trip for October 2025 along with another department or two!

Camilla Alexander-Watson, Head of Geography

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