Congratulations to Our New Heads of School, Heads of House & Prefect Team
Not unlike an improvement in the weather, the smell of mown grass or blossom starting to appear on the trees, the selection of senior student positions marks progress towards the summer and, as a consequence, the end of their time at the School for our Year 13s, as they relinquish those positions to concentrate on the upcoming A level exams, enabling Year 12 to step into their shoes and become the ultimate role models for the School.
Over the past few weeks, a significant number of students have put their hat in the ring for a leadership position. This has involved letters of application and, for some, interviews and leadership tasks. Being a Head of House or a Prefect carries substantial weight, and we are indebted to those students for their assistance in the smooth running of the School and for representing Wellingborough so expertly.
It gives me great pleasure, therefore, to announce these roles, and I am absolutely confident that they will do a great job and I look forward to working alongside them.
Andrew Holman, Headmaster
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