EYFS Summer Outdoor Learning Open Morning

News 16.05.2024 Whole School


Last week we were delighted to welcome families with children aged four and under to Wellingborough School for a fun packed morning in our Outdoor Learning Area.

Mrs Parker, Mrs Roberts and Mr Pancutt led our young visitors through a series of engaging activities including a splendid Superworm singalong, moreish marshmallow toasting, messy mud kitchen fun, as well as a big bug hunt. The morning finished with a visit to our newly hatched chicks in Nursery.


Keep a lookout for more events here: Open Events at Wellingborough School.

If you would like to take a private tour of Wellingborough School, please contact our Admissions Team – E: admissions@wellingboroughschool.org T: 01933 222427.

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