International Primary Curriculum (IPC)
At Wellingborough School we want our pupils to have a love of learning and a thirst for finding out new things, which is why in the Prep School we follow the enquiry-based International Primary Curriculum (IPC).
The philosophy behind the curriculum is to provide a balanced programme which gives a thorough grounding in the core subjects while offering the children a broad spectrum of experience in Language, Art and Design, Music and Drama, and Sports.
The IPC has eight Personal Goals, which underpin those qualities and learning dispositions we believe pupils will find essential in their future life. These are: adaptability, communication, co-operation, enquiry, morality, resilience, respect and thoughtfulness.
Topics in all year groups change every half term and begin with an exciting and inspirational Entry Point that grabs the pupils’ attention and encourages them to think about the forthcoming topic. Each class then completes a ‘Knowledge Harvest’ where the children pose questions about things they would like to learn over the course of the topic while also considering what they already know. This is revisited at the end of the topic and provides a focus for many of the lessons.
The pupils’ learning is supported by a programme of educational visits directly linked to their studies, and by voluntary participation in a wide range of co-curricular activities.
For further information please see our new IPC Brochure
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