Stunning Painting Captures School’s Architectural History

News 30.04.2024 Whole School

As you may have been seen on X or Instagram, towards the end of the Easter break I had a lovely visit from one of last year’s Leavers, Iris Kirk – variously Head of School, and an Academic, Art and Sport Scholar. We’d spoken last summer about a commission for a piece of work that represented some of the wonderful architecture we have at Wellingborough and would also act as a keepsake for me in my dotage. Iris popped in to deliver the finished piece and, voila, here it is!

I absolutely adore it, and it is already safely hung above the fireplace. Notwithstanding the immense skill itself, I love the way it captures many aspects of the School’s history, with buildings from three different centuries – as well as my house and Platt’s, there is Weymouth, a teeny bit of the Dining Hall, then the new Maths classrooms and finally the Pod and the Sixth Form Centre. It tells its own story and already evokes memories.

Andrew Holman, Headmaster

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