Year 12 Joint Sociology & Psychology visit to London

News 02.05.2024 Whole School



The weather was not particularly kind for our combined Year 12 Sociology and Psychology visit to London recently, however, this did not dampen the mood or stop us getting our steps in! 

Our first stop was at The Royal Courts of Justice. Its fair to say, we all had a sense of awe as we wondered through the incredible building. Our tour guide was incredibly informative; she explained how it had been designed like a cathedral and although impressive, is no longer fit for purpose in the modern Judicial system given its age.

She also explained the differences between the roles of Solicitor and Barrister and told us many stories about Queen Victoria including how and why the Bear Garden was given its name.

The highlight was definitely when we managed to poke our heads into one of the court rooms and see a trial actually happening. 

After lunch, we visited the Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) where some of our students were lucky enough to be allowed into the visitors’ gallery to watch proceedings in an ongoing criminal trial. The students were buzzing on their return and couldn’t wait to tell us all about it.

We then had some leisure time to explore and soak up the wonderous sights of Covent Garden where we had some lovely food before our showing of ‘Everyone’s Talking About Jamie’.

The production was incredibly entertaining, musically comical, and funny.  It was great to see a strong recognisable cast from the TV and Stage and of course students were delighted with their ice cream at the interval!

Nigel Corrigan, Head of Sociology   

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