Contact us

Please contact us to arrange a visit, update your communication preferences, submit an obituary or news article or attend an event.

The Foundation Office

Graham Papenfus

Foundation and Development Director

Telephone 01933 233429 & 07583 682962



Katie Powell

Database & Research Officer

Telephone 01933 233441



The Old Wellingburian Club

OW Liaison: Katie Powell
Telephone: 01933 233441

Email Old Wellingburian Club

  • President – Sophie Timms (82-92, W)
  • Dr Jon Morris Smith (76-86, Pa) Immediate Past President
  • Richard Jackson (70-81, St)  Hon. Treasurer
  • Simon Marriott (60-71, St)
  • Joe Smith (98-05, PS)
  • Rosie Turner (05-14, N)
  • Professor Peter Crisp (73-83, Pl) – In Attendance
  • Julian Amey (57-67, G) – In Attendance
  • Clive Westley (59-64, F)  – In Attendance

The School welcomes visits by Old Wellingburians. Please do let us know in advance if you can to ensure we are available to show you around.