
Wellingborough School is a registered charity. Our fundraising efforts are spearheaded by the School’s Foundation Office, tasked with raising funds for bursaries and building projects.

Funding for Bursaries

We seek to support youngsters, regardless of family circumstances, and enable them to benefit from an education at Wellingborough. Over the years, the Bursary Fund has helped open the door of opportunity for many pupils.

Fundraising for Buildings


To mark the School’s 425th anniversary in 2020, the Foundation launched a fundraising appeal for a new £1.5 million Sixth Form Centre, which was built in November 2022.  Thanks must go to the OWs and current parents who waived their child’s deposit to buy a ‘brick’ and help bring this construction to it’s conclusion.  The School is immensely proud of this new addition to the buildings on site and the Donor Wall sits proudly on the stair case walls. The Headmaster, his team and The Governors are delighted with the final result, as are the Sixth Form students who welcomed the chance to study and learn in their own space.